Ottawa County, Ohio
Economy Score out of 100 |
Ottawa County, Ohio |
State Avg. |
National Avg. |
Economy Stats
Economy |
Ottawa County |
OH |
National |
Unemployment rate |
4.6% |
3.2% |
3.1% |
Median household income |
$53,504 |
$51,677 |
$57,865 |
Population below the poverty line (%) |
8.3% |
13.4% |
12.8% |
Ratio of household Income at the 80th percentile to that of the 20th percentile |
4.0 |
4.7 |
5.0 |
Banking institutions per 10,000 pop. |
6.0 |
3.7 |
3.4 |
Households spending <30% of income on housing |
80.3% |
74.3% |
68.2% |
High-Speed Internet (rating 1 to 5) |
83.1% |
88.9% |
90.1% |
Education Score out of 100 |
Ottawa County, OH |
State Avg. |
National Avg. |
Education Stats
Education |
Ottawa County |
OH |
National |
Preschool enrollment |
42.5% |
39.2% |
40.2% |
On-time H.S. graduation |
94.1% |
80.1% |
83.5% |
Associates Degree or Higher (%) |
35.5% |
39.7% |
43.8% |
Health Score out of 100 |
Ottawa County, OH |
State Avg. |
National Avg. |
Health Stats
Health |
Ottawa County |
OH |
National |
Low Birth Weight (% born weighing less than 5.5lbs) |
0.0% |
8.7% |
8.5% |
Health Insurance Coverage |
5.2% |
7.8% |
10.2% |
Deaths Related to Alcohol/Drug Abuse or Suicide (per 100,000 pop.) |
45.8 |
61.9 |
45.8 |
Population |
Ottawa County |
40,156 |
OH |
11,765,227 |
National |
332,048,977 |
Business Skills (underlying data provided by Monster)
Skills Demand data has not been collected for this county.
Skills Supply data has not been collected for this county.
News Themes and Sentiment
Economy Sentiment data has not been collected for this county.
Education Sentiment data has not been collected for this county.
Health Sentiment data has not been collected for this county.