How it Works
The Opportunity Index has many features to help you learn how your community measures up. Compare your county to others, see how you scored on various indicators over the years, share with friends and elected officials and get involved locally to improve your community’s score. Learn more below.
Browse data on all 50 states, the District of Columbia and over 2,000 counties — or enter your address in the search bar — to learn how your state and county score on key indicators used to determine a state’s Opportunity Score and county Grades.
Use the national map to look at specific grouped key indicators in each of the focus areas, including Economy, Education, Health and Community.
From any state or county page, you can compare 2017 to 2018 data to see how your community has changed over time — or compare against other states and counties.
Join Locally
Find and connect with local organizations working in your community to increase Opportunity Scores & Grades.
Take Action
Contact your elected officials regarding your state’s Opportunity Score and ask them what specific steps they will be taking to improve access to opportunity in your community.
The first step to improving opportunity in your community and across the country is to involve others. Share the Opportunity Index with friends, family and colleagues and work together on identifying shared solutions and best practices to improve opportunity for all Americans no matter where they were born.